Performance Coaching Services

Endurance Strength Fitness Nutrition Adventure Race

Endurance Coaching

From multi-day record attempts, building up to your first 5k, or crushing an ultra-marathon, our customized 1:1 coaching launches you toward success for your goals.

Examples of Current and Former Endurance Clients

First 5k, 10k, Half-Marathon, Marathon

Training Back to sub-3 Hour Marathon

First Ultra-Marathon

FKT (Fastest Known Time) Attempts

Multi-Hour/Day Adventure Races

Have an endurance-based goal?

We’ll help you achieve it.


With a wealth of experience we determine the best protocols from a multitude of training methods at our disposal to increase your maximal strength and achieve your goals.

Want to break through plateaus?

Have a goal of a 500lb deadlift?

Ever been part of the 1,000lb Club?


Do you want to get-in shape?

Increase your fitness?

New Year Goals?


There are two aspects to achieve your fitness goals: Discipline & Effective Training Protocols.

We can ensure that both of these aspects of your fitness are supported personally by our Coach.

Our packages are built around this concept. We provide the best evidence-based practices combined with routine one-on-one coaching calls to maintain accountability and support your discipline.

Nutrition Coaching

Proper nutrition is a must.

Nutrition is foundational to the performance triad, enhances training, increases performance, and accelerates recovery.

Our nutritional coaching is centered on the belief that nutritional changes are behavior changes. We review your current diet to better understand your relationship with food. We analyze your diet and design a program that grows and changes with you to achieve your long-term goals. Our depth of nutritional knowledge is current with leading scientific literature and best-practices. We deliver lasting impact by employing evidenced-based practices backed by years of experience. Our nutritional coaching is professional, effective, and safe. Our focus is on your health, wellness, & performance.

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Adventure Race Endurance Coaching

AR is a multi-domain endurance sport. The combination of Biking, Paddling, and Trekking create a variety of training challenges that many coaches are unfamiliar with. Apex is one of few coaching platforms that understands the demands of the sport, and frequently participates themselves.

You need is an experienced coach and adventure racer with formal education AND coaching experience.